Two Poems by Necmi Zekâ
Translated from the Turkish by Erik Mortenson
Feelings of Guilt
those who boast they know the world, I’ve left them behind
the sound of a rattle woke me in an instant
the sin merchant listening at my door barged into the room
yesterday he took off from where everyone drowned
(in my heart there was still a rush to be sacrificed for love)
desperately searching for a dagger he grabbed my hands
and dipped them repeatedly into salty water
after coming eye-to-eye with that naked anger
overburdened with its trappings, I realized
courtly lessons of tranquility have had no use
—no lesson has had any use
because the sin merchant has already caught me
silver sky, broad road
those who boast they know the world, I’ve left them behind
those who boast they know the world, I’ve left them behind
the sound of a rattle woke me in an instant
the sin merchant listening at my door barged into the room
yesterday he took off from where everyone drowned
(in my heart there was still a rush to be sacrificed for love)
desperately searching for a dagger he grabbed my hands
and dipped them repeatedly into salty water
after coming eye-to-eye with that naked anger
overburdened with its trappings, I realized
courtly lessons of tranquility have had no use
—no lesson has had any use
because the sin merchant has already caught me
silver sky, broad road
those who boast they know the world, I’ve left them behind
suçluluk duyguları
dünyayı bilir gözükenler arkamda kaldı bir çıngırak sesi duydum da uyanır gibi oldum birden kapımı dinleyen o günah tüccarı içeri daldı herkesin boğulduğu yerden daha dün havalanmış -kalbimde hâlâ bir aşka feda edilme telaşı- umutsuzca bir hançer arayan ellerimi tuzlu suya batırıp batırıp çıkardı takılarıyla ağırlaşan o çıplak öfkeyle anlar gibi oldum birden göz göze gelince huzur derslerinin bir yararı olmamış derslerin bir yararı olmamış çoktan yakalamış beni o günah tüccarı simli gök enli yol dünyayı bilir gözükenler arkamda kaldı |
How's This for Nerve?
A balanced compression—I’m shapeless night.
My document of faith--Do I suffice myself?
We do indeed suffice ourselves.
I’m the sulking face of the sun.
I was about to ask, What will we do? Ask to my heart’s content.
A small suitcase, they said, is best.
A balanced compression—I’m shapeless night.
My document of faith--Do I suffice myself?
We do indeed suffice ourselves.
I’m the sulking face of the sun.
I was about to ask, What will we do? Ask to my heart’s content.
A small suitcase, they said, is best.
nasıl bir metanet?
Kıvamlı sıkıştırma - ben şekilsiz geceyim. İman vesikam - biz bize yeteriz değil Ben bana yeter miyim?... Güneşin düşmüş yüzüyüm. Ne yapacağız diye soracaktım - soracaktım doya doya. Küçük bir bavul, dediler, en iyisi. |